06 May 2012
The Saving Grace of Drug Rehab
You would think fame and fortune would be enough to make a person happy. That’s not the case for many celebrities.
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Drug rehab is tough – but actually the first weeks and months post-rehab might be even tougher. In rehab there was a 100 percent supportive environment committed to your recovery and well-being. After drug rehab, life in all its complexity is there every morning and evening loaded with triggers that can trip up all your best intentions. Just accepting that this is how life is can be a major step toward staring down the fear and anxiousness that normal life can bring. Still, there are a few practical strategies that can also help make the passage smoother.
1. Enlist the help of another
Call this person a sponsor – or don’t – but, find someone you can trust whom you can call when life’s pressures feel like they’re pressing down on you.
2. Use HALT
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired – each of these can be a trigger for an intense emotional reaction and therefore for a relapse. Eat well, get plenty of regularly scheduled sleep, stay around encouraging people and deal quickly and appropriately with anger.
3. Find somewhere to give
Giving to others is fulfilling. Find a place to volunteer feeding the hungry, visit the elderly, take time to engage with the handicapped. If you can’t volunteer, be sure to build one new friendship – thinking of how you can be the giver in the relationship.
4. Have some fun
Take an exercise or art class and just have some fun. Take the dog to the park at least twice a week and throw a Frisbee or play fetch. Attend free library events. Share the funny papers with someone. What did you enjoy when you were a kid? Can’t you still enjoy it?
5. Improve existing relationships
Find ways to work on relationships that were damaged during your addiction. Confess to the person how your choices hurt them and allow them to tell you more. Verbalize your strong commitment to making changes beyond drug rehab. If their words are too painful at first – contact your ‘sponsor’ for some support.
06 Apr 2012
Drug Abuse and the Revolving Prison Door
The state of Oklahoma has some ironic statistics when it comes to drug penalties and overdoses. While the number of overdoses on prescription pills is at an all-time high, the penalties for possession of a small amount of drugs can result in life sentences for offenders.
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States across the US are faced with a problem – there are not enough resources to incarcerate all those who have been sentenced to jail. When faced with overcrowding, officials must try to determine which criminals are the least dangerous to society so that they can be released to make room for others. At the same time, both the medical and judicial communities are discovering that crime arising from drug and alcohol addiction would be reduced or eliminated if the addiction were treated.