Cannabis-Like Substances Banned Throughout Australia Beginning in July 2011
On July 8th, Australia placed a ban on all substances that are like Cannabis, commonly known as marijuana, including eight that were synthetic-based types. In June, several workers in Western-Australian mines were tested and found positive to have cannabinoids in their systems. They were one of the early states to use legislation that would specifically ban these substances. One of the most common substances is called Kronic. People are using the cannabinoids to try to falsify their drug screening tests.
The Secretary to the Health and Aging Office of the Parliament, Catherine King, stated that changes in the way you classify any of these particular chemical components would allow for a consistent nationwide ban on these types of drugs. Several days following the release of the state’s plan to prohibit these substances there was already an “alternative” form of the cannabinoids being marketed. They were being advertised in such a way to try to avoid the state’s control. Southern Australia has already prohibited 17 of the cannabinoids that are synthetic and New South Wales plans to follow suit also.
King says there is no evidence of any therapeutic benefits of these cannabis-type products and that they pose risks that can be potentially unhealthy. She also says there have been extensive reports of its abuse and its symptoms, including severe delusions, heart irregularities and neurosis. King adds that there isn’t much to know yet about continued abuse and what the long-term effects on your health can be. Although, these cannabis-type substances have been easily available on the Internet, there were only eight of the chemical compounds that were the most widely-misused of all the drugs.